Friday, April 27, 2007

Lunch Money

I forgot my wallet today. Of all days to forget my wallet, this is not the ideal one!! I decided to take an early lunch in anticipation of a design project I knew was heading my way. The content of which was about 7 or 8 days late getting to me, leaving me with 2 days to design and lay it all out (an 8 page newsletter). I wanted to have the whole afternoon to focus on it, so I headed downstairs and ordered some chicken tortilla soup with chips and salsa (my comfort food) only to discover when I went to pay that my wallet was nowhere in sight! I left it in my other purse at home, unfortunately. This is going to be the afternoon from hell!

Why, oh why, didn't I keep one of the muffins that I brought in this morning for my boss and the sales manager for myself?!?!?!

The lovely image above was taken by my very dear friend, Jason. He's an awesome designer & photographer. Check out his work:

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