Photojojo always amuses me with their witty ideas for people fond of all things photo. They have a few ideas on party photos that I thought were worth sharing. My favorite ideas were having everyone gleefully jump for the pictures and taking faux mug shots. Makes me want to throw a party!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Mug 'em & Other Party Photo Ideas
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
'Vanna' and 'Pat' Playing the Game
'Vanna' and 'Pat' at Letter Board
Originally uploaded by sfraz71.
Danielle and I had such a blast playing the game for the judges last week. She had her Vanna face on, posing at the board perfectly, while I had my cheesy game show host persona on. We started the game off with the Wheel of Fortune theme song. It was so much fun! Can't wait to see if we won.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Beautiful Wedding Photos by Jessica Claire
Jessica Claire, wedding photographer extraordinaire, has managed to do it yet again....create beautiful photos that make you feel as if you are actually there at the wedding, feeling the emotions right along with the wedding party. The series of Gary & Missy's wedding really affected me. Seeing Gary's reaction, clenched fist and all, to watching his beautiful bride walk down the aisle, had me all teary eyed. Take a look for yourself here.
Another wedding Jessica shot that has a photo of the groom watching the bride that I really like can be found here.
Great job, Jessica!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Thursday, August 30, 2007
NT Mugshot
So, when I was more of an active member of the design group, Newstoday, a fellow member, Harpo, decided to do portrait sketches of some of us. The one above is what he did of me. Isn't it cool? You can view all of them on his flickr set here.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Happy Morning
This morning was enjoyable for me. I went to the store last night with Craig and Austin and bought things to decorate Nikki's (my boss) desk with in honor of her birthday, so Danielle and I 'pinkified' Nikki's side of the office first thing this morning. There's pink streamers and ribbons everywhere (even hanging from the ceiling and tied into a big bow around her chair), a Happy Birthday banner, confetti all over her desk, a Tiara that lights up for Nikki to wear and even Barbie bubbles to blow when she walks!
I also brought in cute girly school supplies for the elementary school my company is sponsoring. It felt good knowing that I was helping an underpriviledged child show up to school with not only the tools to learn, but stylish ones at that! I added a little lunch money in the pocket of the backpack, too. Hope it helps!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Here They Are!!!
The Martha Stewart Halloween line that I mentioned previously has finally debuted online! Aren't they great?
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Saturday, August 25, 2007
On a Similar Note
I found this article, Micromanagement: Killing Employee Morale by Mandy Leonard today thats pretty good about micro managing and employee morale from Copy Past Articles:
"Micromanaging employees in this way leaves them feeling pressured and demotivated, causing them to become less involved in their work and distance themselves from their manager. In the worst case this leads to staff solely working for their pay check, leaving their enthusiasm at the door resulting in little or no productivity."
So true.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Rilo Kiley
LOVING Rilo Kiley right now. Under the Blacklight is so incredibly good. The first 3 songs are my favorites. Thanks to Lauren for telling me about them, what?...a year ago?! And, thanks to Lauren for suggesting we go see them live n October! They will be playing October 13th at The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel, here in vegas.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Wheel of Values Update
Well, we finished the room. I think it looks pretty good. The magic happens when we actually play the game though. Whenever someone comes in and asks about it, I turn on the Wheel of Fortune theme song, grab the microphone and run through the game, giving the contestant a prize of candy at the end. Fun!
Thank God I bought 'extras'! I had said I would buy and make the wheel and we were all going to buy things for the room over the weekend and bring them in on Monday. My team (my manager and the coordinator) showed up empty handed, so I was grateful to have gone above and beyond on my own on this one, otherwise we would have just had a wheel on the door! uggh. Lots of props to Nikki for blowing up all the balloons, and to Danielle for getting up on the little ladder (in heels!) to cover the lights to create more ambiance.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Monday, August 20, 2007
Movies from the 70's
I watched 2 movies that were made in the 70's yesterday, Dog Day Afternoon (1975) and Annie Hall (1977). Both GREAT films! You can't just can't top Al Pacino or Diane Keaton!
I actually met Al Pacino during the filming of Heat (1995). While taking a break from shooting, Al wandered away from the crew and came right over to me, from about a hundred+ feet away! It really took me aback and I was pretty much at a loss for words when he said, "Hi. How's it going?". I couldn't believe (still can't believe) that he walked all that way just to say hello to little ol' me!
“Meeting Al Pacino is terrifying. But he puts you at your ease because he knows its terrifying – he’s been dealing with that for a long time." -Insomnia director Christopher Nolan
The pic above is for you, Mom! She's a HUGE Pacino fan.
{{photo via Pacino Worldwide}}
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Polly and Ben's Sherman Oaks Shangri-La
Apartment Therapy never fails me! Now they are featuring a post called, 'Polly and Ben's Sherman Oaks Shangri-La', which I am practically drooling over. I love the detailing of the lamp & sofa in this picture.Their color scheme is just divine! I am completely smitten with their sofa and, just look at their bedroom! The headboard! The lamps! The distance of the artwork! Oh my!
So many good photos and design inspiration on Polly & Ben's flickr set.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Russell+Hazel Personalized Stamp
I would love to use this stamp by Russell+Hazel on all of my personal correspondence. I wonder if you can use an ink color other than black?
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Martha Stewart's Halloween line
If you get a chance to go to Michael's craft store, be sure to check out Martha Stewart's new line of Halloween decorations, etc. I can't find it anywhere online and wish I had pictures to show you. I loved the wine labels (poison etc) and the skull and cross bones cupcake boxes. Too cute!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Never a Dull Moment
While working on the project yesterday we looked out the window, across the street, to witness a man being pulled over by the local police, and eventually being handcuffed and taken away. I was glad I had my nifty zoom lens on my camera.
Photos at flickr.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Wheel of Values
So, I spent my entire day off yesterday shopping for supplies with Cari to make a wheel of fortune type contraption, which I proceeded to spend many hours putting together, thankfully, with the help of my mother. I also bought letters to make a banner that reads, "Wheel of Values", a toy microphone for 'Pat', a feather boa for 'Vanna', candy and a container, and a backsplash for the wall of letters. The reason for all this silliness, an office decorating contest at work to reinforce our new 'Values'. I have no idea what the prize is...we weren't informed, but I sure hope it's good and I hope we win after all the money I spent ($60!!! which I REALLY needed since this month is my sons birthday!) and effort I've already put into it!
I'm so glad my department decided to go with the game show idea...I had wanted our room to be interactive so when the judges come to inspect it, we will be quizzing them on the values. Fun stuff! :)
I think the wheel turned out pretty good! I'm so glad I found the gold platter to use as a base! I think that makes it so much better than if I had just used poster board, and it adds a little flash. I can't wait to see what all my team brings in to add to our project! Our office is going to be so decked out!
For full set of project photos, click here.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Saturday, August 18, 2007
iTunes Life Soundtrack
While getting lost in a sea of blogs this morning, I stumbled upon this fun little 'game' from 'life or something like it'.
If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you’re cool.
Questions (with my answers):
Opening Credits- You're so Damn Hot by OK Go. "You're a bad-hearted boy-trap, babydoll, but you're... You're so damn hot."
First Day At School- Never Lose Your Sense of Wonder by Yeti."At school they tried to break my soul"
Falling In Love- Always Feel This Way by Tristan Prettyman."even strangers seem to notice and all my friends can tell"
Fight Song- Witchcraft by Wolfmother.
Breaking Up- A Million Ways by OK Go. "Oh such grace, oh such beauty. So precious, suspicious, and charming, and vicious. Oh darling, you're a million ways to be cruel."
Prom- I Like the Way by Bodyrockers.
Life's OK- My Humps by Black Eyed Peas Pretty mindless, silly song.
Mental Breakdown- Superfly by Curtis Mayfield, Little Louie Vega remix
Driving- Till Kingdom Come by Coldplay. "The wheels just keep on turning,The drummers begin to drum,I don't know which way I'm going, I don't know what I've become."
Alone- Big Bang Baby by Stone Temple Pilots. "I got a picture of a photograph. Of a wedding and a shell"
Flashback- New York City Girl by Body Rockers.
Getting Back Together- Song 2 by Blur. WHOOHOOO!!!
Wedding- This is Heaven to Me by Madeleine Peyroux.
Birth of Child- Hung Up by Madonna.
Final Battle- Vertigo by U2.
Death Scene- Alone by Ben Harper. "Please don't leave me here. Don't you leave me alone." Oh, that's comforting!
Funeral Song- Destination Diamonds by Diamond Nights. "popsicle chick"
End Credits- Strict Machine by Goldfrapp
Some of those songs were too perfect for the situation/question. The one that really freaked me out was my Death Song...Alone!?!?! How harsh is that?!
I'll have to do this from work on my lunch break where my iTunes is more up to date with songs I actually listen to. This iTunes library hasn't been listened to or updated in over a year! Interesting, nonetheless! I may make a disc of these songs. :)
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Beautiful silk top by BCBG with a hint of Kimono style in Veridian Green. I love the pretty detailing on the sleeves!
Speaking of silk tops, I wore my new silk top from Banana Republic the other day and received so many compliments on it...even the day after! I wore mine untucked with a pencil skirt.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Friday, August 17, 2007
My friend manuel just emailed me a link to Knock Knock. They have such fun things! I'm cracking up over the Flashcards...Therapy, Vintage Slang and Corporate, etc.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
My House is Your House
AT:NY's post,My House is Your House has some great ideas on making guests feel comfortable while staying at your house.
I liked homo_wner's comment on providing your own hotel style turn-down service:
"i like to surprise my guests with turn-down service. i turn the bed down, put a nice chocolate and a small flower on the pillow, turn on some nice, soft music and adjust the lighting.
it's one of my favorite things about staying in a hotel, so i pass along the joy."
I'd want to stock up on Godiva's for the occassion! Godiva Truffles are most definitely one of my weaknesses!
Image above by cleverCl@i®Ãª.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Gold Pen Set
Fun pen set from Fred Flare. I'd like to see these in silver, too.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
I've known about this eraser at Paper Source for awhile and still love it. One day I'll just have to cave in and get it. I'd like to find a local shop that sells it so I can avoid shipping on an item that only costs $4. Of course if I could order the Gocco it would make sense to add the eraser...wink wink!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Snow & Graham 2007 Calendar
I'm going to have to keep an eye out for the 2008 Snow & Graham Calendar. I found the 2007 calendar at Greer Chicago, home of the cute Civelettes. Their Herman Yu Calendar is pretty fantastic too!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
How Photography Can Make You a Better Designer
I loved this pictorial/Q&A of many designers by Laura Brunow for JPG magazine. As a designer, I have a strong relationship with photography myself, so it's nice to see other designers views on the subject.
My favorite quote from the article was from Steph Goralnick:
"What do you find most challenging about your work?
The greatest challenge I have found in the field of graphic design is staying perpetually inspired despite the considerable amount of time I spend confined to an decidedly uninspiring cubicle. There are times when no amount of novelty pens can alleviate these unfortunate circumstances. Some of my combat techniques against the dullness include traveling to far-flung places, throwing absurd theme parties and going to the movies dressed as a pirate. The best medicine, however, is proving to be bread with a little chocolate pudding."
JPG Magazine article
Images by Kara Pecknold and Steph Goralnick
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
QBN Sessions
How informative and fun would this be for a designer to attend?
QBN (Newstoday!!!) Sessions
One Day Multidisciplinary Creative Lecture
A design lecture with an incredible lineup at LA's most breathtaking venue imaginable. A full day of creative inspiration and discussion followed by cocktails and music with sensational views of the city lights below.
September 7, 2007
Getty Center, L.A.
Shepard Fairey
Joshua Davis
Phunk Studio
Michael C. Place
Michael Muller
Matt Owens
The Mill
Mark Owens
I so wish I could attend this!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Tiffany Novo
This engagement ring is so pretty from Tiffany & Co. Look how thin & dainty the bands are!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Kelly Wearstler's haircut
I LOVE Kelly Wearstler's hair. I'm thinking of getting a similar cut next time I'm at the Salon. What do you think? Would it work for me?
Image is from the recent article in House and Garden.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
New Gnome
So, my old coworkers and I had a little Travelocity gnome obsession and Manuel just emailed me with news that a Vegas Gnome is coming out soon! I may have to get one, if only for a photography buddy/model/travel companion, as shown below with my original gnome which I brought to TAO nightclub and the Venetian clock tower for photo ops!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Monday, August 13, 2007
Hollywood Regency Lamps
What a cool pair of 1940s's Hollywood Regency Cerulean Blue Ceramic lamps from 1stDibs.
Hollywood Regency pretty much defines my style (at the moment anyway).
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Marfa, Texas
AT:NY had a post on Marfa, Texas this morning that made me realize I've been hearing a LOT about Marfa lately! Apparently it's becoming quite the little artsy town! I want to visit!
The gorgeous image above is by Matthew Mahon and is titled Prada, Marfa.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Sunday, August 12, 2007
All You Need to Be Impossibly French
Next book on my list is "All You Need to Be Impossibly French: A Witty Investigation into the Lives, Lusts, and Little Secrets of French Women" by Helena Frith-Powell. Available at Amazon.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Marisa Holmes Photography
I love this series of photographs from Marisa Holmes on vacation featuring her feet! I so wish that was me this weekend!
I really enjoy her blog, which I discovered from another favorite blog, Jessica Claire Photography.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Calling Cards
These adorable engraved calling cards are also available through Crane & Co. and you can choose from a variety of inks.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Crane & Co.
I'm loving these zebra notecards by Crane & Co. So fun!
And, while browsing Style Court this morning, I too found this holiday card to be quite lovely.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Astonish Me!
I'm so inspired by the saying, "Astonish Me" on these tiles by Rob Ryan. Don't we all just want to be astonished, amazed, surprised & carried out of the mundane & ordinary at least for a moment?
{{via AT:LA}}
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Landscape Lighting
I was drawn immediately to the modern home at the end of the driveway but had to chuckle once my eyes fell upon the unconventional outdoor lighting.
{{via House & Garden's Master Class: Break The Rules slideshow}}
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Ohhhh Barneys!
I'm really enchanted by this Lucifer Vir Honestus Green Tourmaline Ring at Barney's. I prefer it with the light colored stone.
By the way, we're getting a Barney's here in Vegas soon!!!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots