Monday, December 17, 2007

Think GREEN This Christmas

Dec 2007 032.2, originally uploaded by sfraz71.

Here are some great ideas to keep in mind with gift wrapping and gift cards considering that the amount of household garbage in the US increases by 25 percent during the holidays....

Give homemade presents and cards.

Pack presents not at all or in reusable containers to cut down on waste. Wrap them with old maps, the comics section of a newspaper or children's artwork.

Buy cards made from recycled paper and continue to recycle them.

Buy green gifts. That way, any harm that’s done through generation of waste will at least be partially offset.

And some solutions for the tree...

Consider renting a living Christmas tree. For about what it costs to buy a tree, outfits like The Original Living Christmas Tree Company in Portland, Ore., take trees out of the ground, pot them, deliver them to customers and then after the holiday pick them up for replanting in area parks and school districts.

Encourage green practices on Christmas tree farms by buying a tree grown without pesticides. The number of organic tree farms is growing.

Instead of putting the tree out on the curb for regular garbage pickup, take it to a tree recycling facility, where it can be turned into mulch or wood chips.

{{MSN Article: A Christmas without All That Waste By Philipp Harper}}

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