Friday, January 18, 2008

Test Shot

Test Shot
Originally uploaded by sfraz71

Just when I thought I would never again get stuck behind a tractor with my new, easy route, I got stuck behind a crawling tractor! Took this with the new phone to see if I can email it to my blog!


Courtney said...

how did you email it directly to your blog? cool!

Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots said... has a great feature where you can upload images to your flickr account or your blog by emailing them to a special email address that flickr assigns you when you sign up for it here

(If the link doesn't work, search on flickr for Upload options.)

I'm excited it works!

Courtney said...

sweet!!! Thanks! I haven't ventured into Flickr land yet...can you believe? I just figured out how to get a subscription up on my blog! Baby steps I tell ya.

Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots said...

Oh! I'm going to subscribe immediately! :)

And, you my dear have to get a flickr account! It's so easy! And a great way to store your images, not to mention blog them!