Bowling for Craig's Birthday!
Originally uploaded by sfraz71
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Bowling for Craig's Birthday!
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Naked or Covered
I'm thinking of getting the Eco Shield by Agent18 in white for my iPhone. How many of you iPhone owners use a cover? Or do you prefer your iPhone naked? I love the sleekness of the phone uncovered, but worry that I may drop it at some point. Another worry is that some of the covers can scratch the phones.
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Writing Tools
Two pens I have my eye on right now are the Acme Dots pen designed by Charles and Ray Eames and the Lamy Safari Pen in white. What is your favorite brand for pens?
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
An Organized Office
I'm finally starting to settle in at work and realize I haven't yet had a chance to get streamlined and more organized yet. I have just been concentrating on the shift of design work...from spa related to more technology & finance based. Big difference! So this week I am going to focus more on efficiency and organization, from my actual project software files to my desk files! I have pretty much devoted my weekend to this, buying some new design books & magazines, design tutorial podcasts for my iPhone, pens, business card holder-binder, notebooks & pads, and even a label maker (which I gave to my mom since it isn't going to work for me...I'm going to search for another one today).
P.S. I am totally inspired by the desk top setup above from the Russell + Hazel website.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: desk, inspired, office, office supllies, organization
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Print & Finish
Just picked up this book, "Print and Finish" by Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris and am really enjoying it! At work we have been meeting with print shops in order to see what's available to us locally, so I thought I had better brush up on some of my print knowledge. At my old job, they wouldn't even let me do spot colors! Now it's like the world has opened up to me design-wise and I might finally have the opportunity to pump up my designs with fun things like die-cutting, varnishes, etc.
If you're interested in these things, I highly recommend picking up this book!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Asian Butterfly Bowls
The bowls I ordered from Urban Outfitters months ago finally arrived today in a badly battered box. I could hear the chatter of the ceramic bowls when I lifted the box. As I suspected, one of the bowls was broken! So disappointed. They sure are pretty though! It would have been nice to have a full set of 4!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
It's Official!
I'm completely obsessed with my new phone! This video cracked me up!
Manuel - you have to watch it!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
The Green Screen at Work
The Green Screen at Work
Originally uploaded by sfraz71
Thought I'd show you a little glimpse into my daily work life. Although I don't use this room for my job specifically, I still get a kick out of it just being there! I love green screens! The possibilities are endless....
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Hiking at Red Rock
Me - Hiking at Red Rock
Originally uploaded by sfraz71
Took Austin hiking at Red Rock National Park today. What fun we had! We hiked up a trail labeled as difficult, and while it was a bit of a hike, I didn't find it necessarily strenuous. After that we drove to the Petting Zoo at Bonnie Springs. Good day!
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
At Red Rock National Park
At Red Rock National Park
Originally uploaded by sfraz71
**Update: I had sent this while on the hill at Red Rock earlier with a message. Guess I need to work out some flickr glitches for sending pics to my blog from my iPhone.
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Grace Box Set
Aren't these trinket containers lovely? I would love to display them on my office desk. Grace Box Set is available at Modern Dose.
{{via Glassford Hill Girl}}
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Who is your Favorite Candidate?
Originally uploaded by EYASU.SOLOMON
Undecided? I certainly was! Here are two links that might help:
Candidate Calculator
Pick Your Candidate
When I was feeling overwhelmed by the issues, as well as the candidates, this has now helped me narrow it all down and feel much better about getting out there and voting for our next President!
My top two were Kucinich and Clinton, according to my beliefs on the issues. (Sorry Manuel!)
{{via La Dolce Vita}}
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Business Casual
Now that I have a job that I can dress business casual at, I'm constantly on the lookout for cute outfits that are fun, feminine and yet still professional. I love this entire look from Banana Republic! Oh, and Trouser Jeans are GENIUS!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Fine Art Coloring Books
From Prestel International, fine art for your little ones (or you!), in the form of coloring books! Oh, what fun! Artists: Claude Monet, Edward Hopper, Jan Vermeer, Wassily Kandinsky, Salvador DalĂ and Gustav Klimt. How cool is that?
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Helvetica love and hate.
helvetica love and hate.
Originally uploaded by urbanroutine
Whether you love or hate Helvetica, sometimes it's just time for a break! Here are some great alternatives to the famed font, from How Design magazine:
FF Schulbuch
Neuzeit S
Galaxie Polaris
Basic Commercial
FF Bau
Monotype Grotesque
ARS Region
FB Titling Gothic
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: design, reference, typography
Friday, January 18, 2008
Test Shot
Test Shot
Originally uploaded by sfraz71
Just when I thought I would never again get stuck behind a tractor with my new, easy route, I got stuck behind a crawling tractor! Took this with the new phone to see if I can email it to my blog!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Lookie! Lookie!
I got it!
Originally uploaded by sfraz71
Well, I caved in today and bought the iPhone! After seeing that no new iPhone release had been announced at the keynote address for Mac Expo, I decided to go for it! I bought this in honor of my new job and fresh take on life!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Monday, January 14, 2008
Fresh & Easy
Hollywood fresh and easy sign is up!
Originally uploaded by benchristen
I finally made it over to the new Fresh & Easy grocery store on Saturday. Like the sign says, it really is Fresh & Easy. It is a bit sterile looking inside, but it's super convenient and quick to buy grocery staples there! They don't have a hug selection but what they have is pretty good. I will most likely just shop for meat, prepared salads and things like dried cranberries, almonds and banana chips.
Let me just tell you, their meat is amazing! We bought the chicken and prepared it that night. We loved it so much that I went back the following day to get more. I also bought salmon, which we had tonight and loved. Apparently their chicken (along with most of ther meat selection) is all natural, no growth hormones. That must be the reason it tasted so good!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
How fabulous are these stamps making an appearance this year?
From USPS:
Eames - In recognition of their groundbreaking contributions to architecture, furniture design, manufacturing and photographic arts, designers Charles and Ray Eames will be honored next summer with a pane of 16 stamps designed by Derry Noyes of Washington, DC. If you’ve ever sat in a stackable molded chair, you’ve experienced their creativity. Perhaps best known for their furniture, the Eameses were husband and wife as well as design partners. Their extraordinary body of creative work — which reflected the nation’s youthful and inventive outlook after World War II — also included architecture, films and exhibits. Without abandoning tradition, Charles and Ray Eames used new materials and technology to create high-quality products that addressed everyday problems and made modern design available to the American public.
Betty Davis - Film diva Bette Davis becomes the 14th inductee into the Legends of Hollywood series on the 100th anniversary of the year of her birth. A consummate actress with a magnetic screen presence, Davis (1908-1989) played a wide variety of powerful and complex roles during her six-decade career. Her riveting performances, acclaimed by critics and fans alike, resulted in 10 Academy Award nominations for best actress; she won twice for her starring roles in Dangerous (1935) and Jezebel (1938). Artist Michael Deas of Brooklyn Heights, NY, based his painting for the stamp on a black-and-white still of Davis made during the filming of All About Eve (1950). The selvage, or margin, photograph is a black-and-white still from Jezebel. Deas worked under the direction of Richard Scheaff of Scottsdale, AZ.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Another great find from Design Crush!
Oh, how I wish I could have attended this exhibit! It is from John Huck's most recent exhibition, called "Couples". Fascinating work there!
Thank you Design Crush!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: photography
Jack and Lulu Recipe Boxes
Best recipe boxes I've seen yet! House your favorite recipes in style in this graphic lucite box! More colors & designs can be found here.
{{via Design Crush}}
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
KnoWhere Clock - You & Me
What a great clock for those of us with loved ones who travel! This would be a really cool clock for when Craig goes to Eurpoe in March! But, I would have to change his clock hand every day, as he will be going from country to country on a daily basis!
Artecnica: KnoWhere Clock - You & Me
Designer: Peter Stathis
Graphics by Susanna Dulkynis
{{via Velocity Art & Design}}
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Photography Resolutions
For this years resolutions, I included learning more about photography. I am considering signing up for a non-credit class through UNLV in February. But, I am also getting more invloved in the local Photography MeetUp Group. The group had been pretty stagnant last year, when I joined, but it looks as if things are picking up and people are showing more interest this year! I started a flickr group page for it, and people are starting to participate there too, which is very exciting! I cannot wait to grow in photography with this group!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: growth, photography, resolutions
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Love the looks of these two office areas I found in the latest issue of InStyle magazine!
**Sorry about the poor image quality of both of these pics! I scanned them straight out of the thick magazine.
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Rock Band
So, usually I pretty much despise video games, but this might be the exception. Have any of you played the Rock Band game? It looks like so much fun! And, it makes for the perfect social opportunity, and as you can see in the video above, can involve the whole family! Props to the dad in the video for attempting such a hard song vocally! Very funny!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Friday, January 11, 2008
Work Week Fun
Am I dreaming? Someone needs to seriously pinch me, cause I can't believe how much I love my new job!
Today my Creative Director sent out meeting requests for a weekly Show and Tell meeting. Every week we will get together and each one of us will bring in something that we find inspiring. He also said we will be going on Field Trips! My job is now not only fun, but also challenging...both of which I need in order to blossom as a designer! I'm already growing and learning so much!
Yesterday a bunch of us went to lunch at this great little restaurant in the District. My coworkers are highly amusing! I couldn't help but smile like an idiot the entire time while thinking how fortunate I am to finally be working with these types of people. No more soul suckers!
It amazes me that I previously thought every job would be as horrible as my last one. It paralyzed me with fear at the time. I felt completely trapped. If you are in that type of job, don't lose hope...there IS something better out there for you, I promise!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: work job
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Banana Republic Fashion Show
New, fun stuff from Banana Republic for Spring! Watch the fashion show here.
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: fashion
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Chasing Cool
Another must-have on my never ending list of books to read.
{{buy it at Amazon}}
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Graphic Design vs. Illustration
While creating icons in illustrator today at work, I realized how few opportunities I had to use vector images at my old job, which means I don't have as much experience with it as I'd like. They turned out pretty nice though! It also got me to thinking about the separation between Illustrators and Designers. I obviously lean more toward the designer segment, as I am much better with putting all of the pieces together than creating vectors myself. Usually if I need something like that, I purchase a stock image and alter it to suit my needs. Easy enough!
This evening I ran across this article on the decline of illustration. Very interesting read...especially the comments. One of the commenters made note of Starbuck's use of illustration and how it lends to a hand crafted appeal. Perfect usage of illustration, in my opinion. I look forward to seeing their Christmas designs every single year! Sad that more corporations won't spend the extra money to kick their ad campaigns up a notch through the use of original illustrations.
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Sirius Radio
I am getting Sirius Radio installed soon! I got it for Craig for Christmas and have wanted it for myself after seeing how cool it really is. Do any of you have Sirius Radio? If so, what are your favorite stations?
{{image via Burlap Jacket}}
**Update: I got it installed this morning! Do I ever love it! It's given me a new desire to just be on the road listening to uninerrupted music now! The selection in stations is awesome!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Ad Campaign
Interesting ad campaign the Police Department are putting out in Sydney. Even more interesting than the ad itself, is the fact that these ads are needed! Apparently they are seeing a rise in pedestrian accidents due to teenagers crossing streets while listening to their ipods, not traffic.
{{via Ad Goodness}}
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: ads
The Gift
Pretty wrapping paper, huh? It reminds me of the gift that keeps on new lease on life thanks to the new job. I know I keep talking about it, but I am seriously in awe at how great my life has become since leaving my old job.
Today while talking with the Senior Designer, I had to smile when I realized how nice it was to finally talk about my projects with someone who actually 'gets' design. I was the solitary designer (creative) at the spa in a Marketing department full of women who knew NOTHING. They would tell me to use clip art, for crying out loud!
I no longer hear that my bosses are saying ugly things about me, such as the email someone had accidentally read once from one boss to the other, "Stacie's looking especially pathetic today, isn't she?". Thats only oe example. Nice women, huh?
I no longer have to withstand the glares from the Marketing Director when I popped in to her office in the morning to say hello. She would literally sneer at me while obviously looking me up and down, head to toe. And of course finish it off with a roll of the eyes as I turned to head for my office. I really think this was because I was much more slender than she is, so I tried not to let that bother me too much.
I no longer have to worry about leaving 5 minutes late. My projects can now come first, just the way I like it!
I am no longer severely underpaid, like I was at the spa even after 3 years there! I can actually buy something nice for family or friends, or even myself when I feel like it now!
I am no longer being smothered to death! I feel like I can actually breathe now. Truly, I feel as though I have been freed from a constricting cage!
So many new and wonderful things happening. I now head to work happy and relaxed and actually excited about the day ahead! This has been the best gift ever (aside from the birth of my son, of course)!
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: gift job work
Paul Dano
I watched Fast Food Nation last night and was excited to see that this talented young actor was in it! Paul Dano is apparently pretty new on the acting scene, but he has already greatly impressed me with his acting abilities. I think we'll be seeing lots of him in the near future!
With so few words, he still managed to wow me in Little Miss Sunshine. In fact, his character profoundly touched me more than any other in that film.
Who are some of your favorite acting newcomers right now?
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: movies actor
Monday, January 7, 2008
Paper Love Affair
From blank sheets, stylized sheets, books, magazines, notebooks etcetera, I have a serious affinity for all things paper! No wonder I ended up a print designer! Here's one of the latest, a Moleskine 2008 Red Pocket Daily Planner. How could you not start the year off more organized with this little red beauty?
I'm also still obsessed with their City Books that I mentioned awhile back.
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: paper planner DateBook moleskin
Paul Arden Book
I read this over the weekend and really liked it. While it wasn't exactly eye opening, it was definitely a pleasant read. I bought mine through Amazon but saw it last weekend at Anthropologie. It's inexpensive too...only $7.95! If you work in a creative field, "It's Not How Good You Are, Its How Good You Want to Be: The World's Best Selling Book" by Paul Arden just might be for you!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: books
Tommi Parzinger Cabinet
Oh how I love 1st dibs! Isn't this cabinet by Tommi Parzinger just splendid? In my home, I would need for it to be a different color, but I love the little details on this!
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: furniture cabinet yellow
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Moo Mini-Cards
Have you heard of Moo Mini-Cards? They are great for personal calling cards! For $19.99 you get 100 cards. I have some with my photographs on the front, but am considering getting more with the design above on them to coordinate with the new look of my blog. What do you think?
**Update: I ordered them! I also made another coordinating design. I may go a little crazy with this. I'm thinking MOO stickers, notecards, etc now!
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: design moo cards
New Year, New Look!
With the new year and new lease on life for me, I thought I'd update my blog with a look that reflects the freshness of it all. Honestly, yellow is not one of my favorite all! But with the title of my blog, LEMONADE, yellow was the only way to go. Inspired by Kelly Wearstler's use of the color for the Viceroy Hotel in Palm Springs, I thought this modern look fits my personality & design aesthetics quite well.
What do you think? Too much? Just right? Or start over?
**Update: The bright yellow background was bothering me too much, so I switched to white with yellow and black accents.
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: design blog yellow
Radio Promo
This promo gimmick for a radio station in Glasgow makes me smile.
{{via Brand Flakes for Breakfast}}
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
RSS feeds
I'm just learning about RSS feeds, but thought I'd try it out on a few of my favorite websites/blogs that offer it recently. It allows you to check for new content on your favorite blogs in one convenient place, saving you the hassle of checking each page individually. I have my updates to my favs on my MyYahoo page.
So, as a timesaver for you, dear readers, I am now offering a subscription to my blog. You can find it at the upper right hand corner with the little orange symbol next to it. It is especially helpful if you are an avid reader of several blogs. Try it out, I think you'll love it as much as I do!
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Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Saturday, January 5, 2008
What a lovely week!
The new year is turning out to be a rebirth of ME! Craig even commented this morning that he could see the true Stacie beginning to reemerge! I cannot believe how long I foolishly endured such crappy work conditions at my previous job, and am startled at the realization that it was wiping me out completely. Sometimes you just can't see clearly when you're in the thick of it! But, now that my eyes have been opened, I am having a lot of fun rediscovering what makes ME happy! It helps not having to be around mean, malicious and bitter fat ladies who steal anymore too! I'm free! I'm free!
This past week was just the beginning. I enjoyed the work I was given at the new job and got to know my new coworkers better. The holiday on Tuesday was nice and so was being let out of work at 11 the day before! I loved getting to work early (at 7am) and relished getting off at 4! I was invited to a Toga Party with coworkers this weekend! I met up with Manuel for lunch at Town Square yesterday! And, I got lucky today when I called to set up a hair appointment with Melissa...she has an opening for me this evening! (I'll have to miss the toga party though...aww).
Looking forward to many more great weeks to come!
How was your first week of the new year?
(Humor me with an actual answer please...I am beginning to think I am talking to myself here. :) )
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Friday, January 4, 2008
Bad Cover Art
"Dntel: Dumb Luck
Granted, this accurately captures the flaccidness of the music."
"Perry Farrell's Satellite Party: Ultra Payloaded
The long-awaited new album from Native American Smurf."
This article, The 20 Worst Album Covers of 2007 by Stephen M. Deusner, gave me quite a chuckle. I learn more about design not only by watching the masters, but also by witnessing design disasters.
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: design
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Years Resolutions
I need to write down some specific resulotions but this fun photo by Blueeyes24 sums up some of the themes for me pretty well, I think.
My focus will be to LIVE, LEARN, LOVE and LAUGH more this year than ever before.
What are some of your resolutions this year?
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
New Years Day
Heading to the District today to go see Juno with my mom! I have been wanting to see this for weeks and am excited I finally get to go! I hope this movie doesn't turn me into a crybaby while watching it! It's sure to hit a nerve with me, as I had my son at such a young age, I'm sure to relate to much of it.
The rest of my day will involve laundry and cleaning. I have to take the Christmas tree down too. I want to start 2008 off in an organized fashion.
Happy 2008 everyone!
Posted by
Stacie Frazier - Haute Shots
Labels: movies movie